in english new
Translated Vladimír Gunda
October 2009
Part Four - GOD
"No man hath seen
God at any time..." (1 Jo 4:12; Joh 1:18)
"And they saw the
God of
Nothing has enticed
man's spirit to create so many different myths and fantastic notions like God.
The reason is the grandeur of what people understood as his creation. At the
time when these notions developed, people knew about God and the nature of his
creation only very little.
Note : It
should be noted that the general concept of God which present-day Christians profess
is based on the Early Christian notions of the 4th -5th
century, when the battle for religious beliefs took place. So, these
notions reflect the level of understanding the world at that time.
God has been giving
more and more information about Himself, if possible, proportionally to man's
knowledge of laws governing the world that He created. The ability of man to
understand information communicated depended on this knowledge. Moreover, God
needed to have authority over humans, so God preferentially gave them
information about His qualities that arouses his authority over men.
The manner in which
people address God gives evidence about the fact that men like to keep
deep-rooted habits. We call Him the Mighty (the original meaning of the word
God), and not Just, Wise or Loving, his other.
It was the Power which
God revealed to man as his first quality and which men were most interested in.
It was then the only quality, which could reliably ensure Him authority in the
eyes of man [1] .
The Power was the first, easily understandable, quality necessary to start the
training of man.
So, every being that
showed power beyond the understanding of man was automatically called 'god' by
Because God respects [2]
both human culture and the mentality of individuals on principle (it is a part
of the rights which He gave to people), so He also respects their
manifestations. Beings from the first, second and third heavens (see below) are
called God and they also introduce themselves as God (in Hebrew Elohim) or
Yahweh God or Jehovah God - pronunciation of the Hebrew tetragram (transcript
of the name God) is questionable.
As we have been
accustomed to Him
As regards God, it is
not only our inclination not to change our habits, i.e. our inclination to conservatism.
Man started to impart its notions of God to sacred things, mostly with
exaggerated and useless zeal - such is the human religiosity (a form of
Efforts to change
something in this area have always been deemed as sacrilege. This attitude
lasted for centuries; it deeply etched itself into the consciousness of
generations of Christians, and thus became a part of the Christian tradition.
In most churches
today, the notion of a single (even incomprehensible Trinity) God, standing
outside our physical world and not subject to laws (God's transcendence) is
rooted; the notion of God surrounded by angels of similar -let us say- not
physical substance. It is God unconditionally omnipotent, absolutely
superordinated ruler, omniscient, performing incomprehensible miracles beyond
the known laws of nature.
This God has been
living in the heavens from time immemorial, for ever in perfect conformity with
angels who surround Him, who constantly have praise Him and serve Him because
He himself created them, the universe and ultimately, man. It is a world free
of all problems, filled with endless bliss.
authors" of traditional notions were definitely full of praise for God.
But, do you not consider such a description as a myth? Does the Bible teach us
something like this? It happens only in fairy tales that a powerful magician
waves a magic wand, pronounces a magic formula, and things begin to happen.
Such a wizard is indifferent to the laws of physics - he transforms people and
objects as he likes.
Is it this way of
thinking not partially similar to the notions of Christians? Millions of people
believed for centuries and still believe in something like this - they believe
that God can do it, and in reality He has been doing only this! He is almighty after
all, is he not? Why should He exert himself and waste His time with complex
physical and chemical processes or complicated technology [3] ?
Could it be different?
God(s) went on to say: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness
..." (Ge 1:26 NWT) [4]
Jehovah God(s) went on to say: Here the man has become like one of us ..." (Ge 3:22
NWT) [5]
The fact that God
(later Yahweh or Jehovah God) in the scriptures surprisingly is addressed in
the plural, dealt a blow to these notions. It is particularly evident when
studying the opening books of the Bible (see Ge 11:6, 7). Although He later
introduced Himself as the only God, everything indicates that it is a
fellowship of beings. But how did He introduce Himself?
" Hear, O
The word elohim in
Hebrew literally stands for 'gods'. This expression is used to designate both
the so-called false gods (translated correctly in the Bible) and the
so-called true God (loose translation in the Bible). The reason for this
designation is very prosaic - the plural is used in the Bible because the God,
who presented Himself to the Israelis as Yahweh (or Jehovah, if you want), is
in fact the Deity.
Note : The
argument that Pluralis maiestaticus can hardly stand up - the character of God
is definitely correct and we would attribute Him human qualities if we state
that He needs to express His greatness in this way. Plural is a product of our
modern history, vanity of human rulers. (Ps 62:10) Moreover, the word order is
reversed, so in our case it would have to read - "We God" and not
"I Gods". The fact that as regards the Hebrew God He is in reality
the Deity are also proved by biblical dictionaries, albeit without this courageous
explanation. [A. Novotný (Czech) etc.]
You do not believe?
The incorrect notion
of God's identity was created by man himself, gradually - because of not
studying the Scriptures [6] .
Jehovah made the declaration at the beginning of appointing
Note : The
fact that He is the only one, God has expressed far more important information
(especially for us today), that there is one system of truth. To be more
precise, the fact that this team (JHVH Deity) holds one system of truth and
believes exclusively in the existence of one such a system. But the experience
of humankind in the area of behaviour (generally in the social area) questions
this system.
The procedure and message
of these angels (JHVH) were from the very beginning so unified that people
often did not realize that they were in contact with a great many beings.
Without searching for their identity, they called each of them by the name
Yahweh (Jehovah).
The behaviour of man
towards God was in the beginning (from traditional understanding) somewhat
confusing - they called the same being once as Yahweh (Jehovah) and immediately
afterwards Jehovah's (Yahweh's) angel. (Ge 16:9-13; Jg 6:11-15) When Abraham
was visited by three angels, the name Yahweh (Jehovah) circulated strangely. By
the name Yahweh (Jehovah) was called all three angels , and then Abraham
addressed the angel, whom he considered to be their commander, by this name. Lot
equally addressed the remaining two angels , who came to
Note : In
Chapter 13 of the book of Judges it is even evident that in determining the
identity of the respective man, the name the people addressed him by
intensified according to his manifestations of power: first 'a man of God'
(prophet) - then 'the angel of Jehovah' - finally 'Jehovah' himself accepted
the act of worship! The concrete appearance of Jehovah (the angel of Jehovah)
was apparently not defined. Identification was spontaneous and random.
When people meet such
a powerful being, they are sometimes paralyzed by fear of death. From the Bible
really follows, according to passages written later, that people are really
threatened with death, but in contact with completely different kind of beings
- again called God or Yahweh (Jehovah). (Ge 32:29, 30; Jg 13:22; Ex 33:20) So
there are too many Gods or Yahwehs (Jehovahs) at one time.
The same situation
occurred beneath the
Let's be realistic -
our created world is so extremely complex that not only its creation, but also
its management and supervision requires a large number of professions,
specializations and teamwork! Did not God create us - according to His image?
Three levels of heaven
From the Bible follows
that three groups of alien beings, called by humans as follows, were
responsible for the creation and functioning of our world:
Angels (Ge 32:1 [2])
Cherubs (1 Sa 4:4; Ge
Seraphs (Isa 6:2)
According to words of
the Apostle Paul we know about the existence of three levels of heaven:
" I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago (...),
such a one caught up even to the third heaven .. ." (2 Co
or in him (Christ)
were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, ..., whether
thrones (first heaven) or dominions (second heaven ) or principalities (first
heaven) or powers (kings on Earth); all things have been created through him,
and unto him ..." (
Since the number of
types of beings with the number of heavens is in agreement, it can be deducted
that each type of being inhabits his level of heaven - his own world. On the
basis of how they express themselves they can be grouped according to their
intelligence, power, and thus possibly by age as well.
They are probably the youngest
beings, who stand closest to us human beings , they even resemble us physically (Ge 3:8 - note
that this God is strolling in the garden). They are indiscernible from people.
(Ge 19:1-11) They can interbreed with humans (Ge 6:4) and they take in our
food. (Ge 18:8) During the six days of creation, these angels were directly
involved in the creation of our world (Job. 38:7; see former habits in the
opening constructions - Ezr 3:10-11) and by using natural laws [9]
- probably by genetic manipulation - they created man. (Ge 2:7) Beings of this
sphere are divided into two groups . (Da 10:13, 21) We call this level the first
As regards creation
here on earth they are consultants or guarantors and they bear responsibility
for the successful course of creation and for the development of man. (Eze
28:14; Job 38:7; Isa 14:12] Luciferus - "Torchbearer" - Latin name
for Venus as the morning star - the symbol of cherubs. (Re 22:16)
Physiologically they
are very different from us. Their bodies apparently issue light in our
conditions. According to the descriptions of eye witnesses, their faces shines
like the sun, their feet are like hot metal; their hair is like snow, etc.
Man is paralyzed when
he comes into contact with them - certainly mentally, but perhaps even
physically (see Ge 15:12-17; Dan 10:7-9; Re 1:17 - Abraham, Daniel and John
perceive them in a sort of paralysis reminding one of sleep). We call this
level the second heaven.
From a physiological
point of view, seraphs are totally different from people. They radiate probably
significant, unknown energy, because physical contact with them is life-
threatening to humans. (Ex 33:20-23; 1 Ki 19:13 - Moses and Elijah were hidden
in a cave for security reasons). For these reasons, man is not allowed to look
at them. ("to see His face")
Moses saw a Seraph
only through a kind of protective shield, from behind. Moses´ skin, after
contact with Him, radiated rays. Elijah hides his face. In Isa 6:2, the seraphs
hide themselves in the vision - thus they demonstrate that it is dangerous for
man to be in their proximity or to look at them. This level is called third
heaven. Ancient people were informed about the fact that meeting these beings
was dangerous, and therefore they were frightened, whatever god they met - " We
shall surely die, because we have seen God ." (in this
case an angel from the first heaven- Jg 13:22; Ge 32:30 etc.)
The Creator of all
life (all creation) in our universe is the Supreme God - in Hebrew "elejlon".
The designation "Supreme" is in the Bible sometimes completely alone
(so not the Supreme God - elejlon, but simply the Highest - ejlon), of which
some theologians already have concluded that it is a separate deity
(Encyclopaedia of the Bible).
The Bible says almost
nothing about His nature (at least according to the current state of
knowledge). (Ge 14:20; Dt 32:8; Eph 4:6) We know, however, four of His basic
qualities, which are common to all other levels, and are the current objective
of the education of man: power, justice, wisdom and love. Unlike all the other
above mentioned beings, the Supreme God was really never seen by any man. (Joh
Note: To ask questions regarding the origin and
more tangible form of the highest levels of heaven is for us irrelevant. We
have not the slightest idea about the nature of the environment which existed
before the creation of our universe. We know virtually nothing about the
conditions and (physical?) laws, which ruled.
Briefly speaking
Under the term God, a
complicated structure of powerful beings appears in the Bible.
The biblical
monotheism [10]
consists in that true Gods act on the basis of free will under a single program
in every and each of their activities (according to true knowledge), as
"one man", unlike the fragmented advancement of the so-called false
gods, individualists (questioning that the system of knowledge - the truth - is
Only our grammar
distinguishes these gods with large and small letters! The original text
differentiates them only by names, qualities and verbal forms. In the original
text we would read their description something like this - JHVH gods,
true gods, false gods, gods of nations, gods of
Yahweh (Jehovah) of
hosts (armies)
At present it seems
that this identification of God of the Bible could be the answer to the
question what is grammatically the hard-to-understand and in the Bible highly
frequented word "Yahweh (Jehovah) of hosts." The oddity of this term
becomes apparent if we realize that Yahweh (Jehovah) is a name and if we
substitute it, just for illustration, by any other name. If we try Francis, the
grammatical form will be - "Francis of hosts". Therefore, the correct
translation of this term might be: Jehovah-hosts, or Jehovah-gods-hosts, within
the meaning Jehovah Gods are hosts.
Is it heresy?
Christians who were
brought up in the traditional religious belief will probably be offended. Some
may completely be discouraged of further study. If possible, we would like to
reassure these Christians that conclusions in this section are in no case
contrary to the spirit of Scripture, because we can not argue with the Apostle
Paul in his statement:
There is one body,
and one Spirit (in this case the Highest) ... one God, and father of all, which
is above all, and through all, and in you all ." [11] (Eph
Traditional profession
of faith is namely overlooking the fact that Scriptures authorize the use of
the title 'God', and even 'true God' (who is the opposite of false god) and the
'Holy God' (the opposite of profane, unclean), to all beings fulfilling the
stipulated requirements, and even to people:
" And Jehovah said unto Moses : ' See, I have
made thee as God to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet .'" (Ex 7:1 (ASV); see
Joh 10:34, 35)
In this situation
Moses was certainly not a false God and Aaron was not a false prophet!
Note: The intermediate position is not described
in the Bible. Each god (and spirit) is either true and holy or false and
unclean. From the need of sanctification of the name of God (JHVH; Mt 6:9) it
is clear that there is a dispute in heaven regarding which side is right. Each
side considers the opposite side as unholy and false. "Black and
white" differentiation was intentionally created because of man's
Similarly, neither the
term father (and Father also [12] )
is definite and does not have to belong to one person, but it is legal term
logically expressing responsibility for a concrete creation or the result of an
activity. (Joh 8:39-44) In the Bible such examples are numerous. The Christian
tradition gave these attributes exclusively to the Supreme.
It is possible to
conciliate with these facts that understandably might make Christians have
serious spiritual dilemma or even outrage by adopting the fact that existing
levels of heaven (seraphs, cherubs and angels) were assigned incomparably
greater powers, functions and responsibilities, than has traditionally been
accepted. After all, they are adult, free, moral and very intelligent beings -
Gods (powerful) in the true sense of the word. This change is the difference
between the specified [13]
and traditional understanding of God's identity.
What to add
Although our Creator
does not have miraculous abilities, as follows from the Scriptures, careful
study reveals that this in no way detracts from the impressiveness of his acts
and power. It is clear that our Heavenly Father and God (in particular First
Heaven) also exists within the system of physical laws and is also subject to
established laws, to which he must be subordinate if he does not want to behave
irresponsibly. From biblical information we can trace his true, real power. By
this He can become, for the thinking, rational man in the twentieth century,
very close and very real.
At our level of
scientific knowledge and technical advanced level we are able to understand His
wisdom and power. We feel that it is indeed immense and it amazes even more
than before, when people were not able to explain its source or principle even
in the slightest.
The fact that God is
in reality not almighty [14]
should not offend Christians too much. Real omnipotence would make him
partially responsible for all the horrors and evil, which humanity has
experienced. And it would make Him even a universal culprit - He would bear the
ultimate responsibility.
The idea of absolute
omnipotence and omniscience [15]
of God is one the most tragic notions of the Christian tradition.
[1] Rarely appeared exceptions - e.g. Abraham, Moses
[2] Worship of God by sacrifices was a human invention. Similarly, God
accommodated the Jews, when they wished to worship Him in the temple or when
they wanted to establish a human king. For the same reason, Christ could say to
the apostles: "... what things soever ye shall
bind on earth shall be bound in heaven ..." (Mt
18:18). Or compare Ge 15:17,18 and Jer 34:18 etc.
[3] Today we have come to the knowledge that building stones of matter are
formed by nuclear reactions, such as inside the stars. Spreading of elements
into the surrounding space is through the explosion of such a star - a
supernova explosion. So, creation of matter is not understood as all as a
miracle, on the contrary, we have an idea of the immense complexity of this
process, not only from the time point of view, but also from the energy and
technological point of view.
[4] "And God [ אלהים , 'e ̆ lo ̂ hi ̂ ym, el-o-heem, Plural of; gods
in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially
with the article) of the supreme God;
occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X
exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty. ] said: Let
Us make man in our image, after Our likeness". (Ge 1:26 KJV+),
[5] "And
the Yahweh (Jahveh) [ יהוה yeho ̂ va ̂ h,
yeh-ho-vaw', From;
(the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah,
Jewish national name of God: - Jehovah, the Lord.] God said: Behold, the
man is become as one of us ... " (Ge 3:22 KJV+)
[6] Of course, this does not apply only in the case of the identity of
God, but also in many other cases. A similar problem is fighting history, when
due to the inconsistent study of historical sources false images of our past
and of individual historical persons are created. The research of history is in
no way influenced by mysticism, only by the human tendency to
"improve" facts (history is written by victors). The image of God's
transcendence emerged later.
[7] Part 13 will deal with this theme.
[8] The first descent must have happened in the absence of people - Yahweh
(Jehovah) was on the mountain.
[9] As already mentioned, God has been doing everything in accordance with
natural laws, which He had set. He has not violated these laws. In principle,
his activities can be compared with today's scientific activities.
[10] Misconception of "naive monotheism" was tolerated (as well
as many other concepts explained in Part 16) probably because of its usefulness
in the fight against competing polytheism.
[11] The Supreme God is not assigned any (special) heavens by the Bible. He
exists in a yet unknown form of life (metainteligence?) in the third /mainly/
(Ps 80:1) and perhaps even other (see the annotated text) heaven?
[12] It is separated by large and small letters by our grammar and
[13] This understanding is by no means new. His signs
are emerging even in literature and dramatic works by Christian authors and
have been in the consciousness of educated classes.
[14] The term translated as God Almighty can be translated more
appropriately as All-Powerful God or Governing.
[15] The Bible does not even contain this statement.