Christian Bible Research
Who We Are
The delusions that threaten our future

in english new

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches Newly in English
Lightning from the East to the West
Saving of the Christians trough mercy
To Christians
Malachi’s prophecy importance for the Christians in present time in Czech language only
Got acts to created humankind
Popularization of the first results scientific research Bible NEW: Partly in English
Context studies
Discourses from memorable celebrations
FAQ in Czech language only
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Last update: 7.1.2011

Who we are

We do not represent any church, we do not prefer any church and we do not even try to establish a new one.

We follow the tradition of the Christian way of Biblical study. We regard the Holy Scriptures as a complex of information inspired by the Lord. We are sure it is necessary to consider all of these information from factual and logical point of view.

To really understand the Bible we gather all other necessary information from all available sources published up to this time within all creative fields of human activity. We intend to publish the results of our work continuously on this web site. We will appreciate cooperation with any honest and sincere man without regards to his membership in any church or denomination or movement.

Our future in God's plan
   Inserted:  4.1.2025

God's judgment for life
   Inserted:  1.12.2024

The basic creation principle is life support
   Inserted:  1.11.2024

Why won't there be an all consuming war?
   Inserted:  1.8.2024

Light shines in the dark
   Inserted:  3.7.2024

Easter commemorates the victory of life and good over death and evil
   Inserted:  23.3.2024

When will John's Apocalypse begin to be fulfilled?
   Inserted:  26.2.2024

More of God's freedom and love
   Inserted:  1.1.2024

Bible prophecies about modern technology
   Inserted:  23.12.2023

Goodness is the way to life
   Inserted:  23.11.2023

Lessons from the story of Sodom

What is really the matter?


Reflections on the year



What does God's Word convey for the present?


A brief reflection on the text:


You will hear of wars and hear rumors of war. Be careful, don't panic. All this must come to pass, but it is not the end yet.…Matthew 24,6;

   Inserted on:13.5.2023

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