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Last update: 7.1.2011

Popularization of the first results scientific research Bible

Copyright ©2000 T.B.From
This book is available in Czech language

A team of authors wrote Karel Valenta

Translated Vladimír Gunda:

1.part - Is Bible really God’s word?
2.part - How research contents of Bible
3.part - Human, free being
4.part - God (english version)
5.part - God’s kingdom (english version)
6.part - Heritable trespass
7.part - Correction (recovery)
8.part - God’s people
9.part - Mission of God’s people and their current situation
10.part - Son of man
11.part - Temple
12.part - Human being, its evolution, education and completion of correction
13.part - Beginning of the conflict and the formation of Satan (english version)
14.part - Solution of the disputable questions and evolution of Satan
15.part - Son of man advent
16.part - Dissolution of the hierarchical organization
17.part - Jesus Christ
18.part - Resurrection of Jesus Christ and biblical miracles