in english new
The delusions that threaten our future
"It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived." These words, supposedly spoken by Mark Twain, capture both the ease with which people can be deceived and the difficulty of working with human nature. They express how difficult it is for deceived people to admit their own fallibility, especially when we are emotionally or mentally invested in something. However, they also show that people usually don't want to consciously live in deception. It goes against human nature. They resist evidence that reveals that they are wrong or even have been following delusional ideas and values for a long time. This is true even at a time when science and its new insights foster in us a sense that never before have people had such a wide choice and access to important knowledge about the world, about themselves, and such a choice between them. Sadly, many people have no idea that their thinking is literally poisoned by a thick, almost poisonous smog of information and thought. Many people unknowingly allow themselves to be influenced by false beliefs and human wisdom. Media-promoted examples and statements that at first glance look wise, funny, or conducive to success. They often think only superficially about the really important things in life and listen more to their own interests, desires and needs without noticing that other natural principles, words and wisdom apply. Or they deliberately ignore them. For example, they all recognize that humans are a social species and are governed by the often unwritten, natural rules and laws by which people commonly perceive those around them. Why are those unwritten laws and principles under unprecedented attack these days. On the natural laws of the family, on the natural perception of one's own identity, including gender. Children from an early age are forced to listen to perverse ideologies about multiple genders in schools. Children are at the most impressionable time of their lives, when they are forming their basic lifelong images of right and wrong, forming their conscience, their moral and ethical order. Many artificially triggered processes are aimed at raising children for a very different world and life than the one we know. Deceit, lies and subterfuge are a common part of all dangerous processes. Behind it all is an effort to lead people away from God the Creator and His Son, who by His shed blood has redeemed for us the hope of a better and lasting life.
Deception is a way to distract from the true, correct understanding of a situation, an action, an idea, the right path through life. Through deception people are led to wrong conclusions, decisions and actions. Deception prevents us from knowing that, what is good or bad. Let's take a look at a few misleading statements and see their effects on people's thinking.
The misconceptions and misstatements we are about to discuss mislead people's attention away from the path leading to permanent life.
May the peace of God be with you
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