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Context studies

These materials are result of our Biblical research. There are only choice of materials which we decided to publish using internet. We are going to fill in this library by additional studies.

GodWho is God - Biblical analysis07/2002
Basic Gods` attributesAuthority, Rightness, Wisdom and Love07/2002
SpiritAnalysis consequence of this word01/2002
Spirit creaturesSeraphs, Cherubs, Angels08/2002
TrinityFather, Son and Holy Sprit09/2005
Evolution of SatanCreation and evolution cherub, who became Satan07/2002
Celebrity of J.C.Celebrity of Jesus Christ01/2002
Parables of J.C.Explanation of Jesus Christ’s` parables04/2003
Prehuman life of J.C.How could Jesus Christ previously live by Father and how became human02/2004
Celebrity of John the BaptistCelebrity of John the Baptist and his function09/2003
Disputable questionSolution of the disputable question in heaven11/2002
Human imperfectionMust be God's servants perfect?02/2004
ResurrectionHow it will be done11/2004
Religion and scienceScientific approach and Bible study01/2002
MysticismMysticism and its role in the second covenant01/2002
Humankind on the crossing roadBasic philosophic consideration and definition01/2002
Things in the beginningAnalysis of the events described in book Genesis07/2002
Revelation chapters 2 and 3Biblical analysis of book Revelation chapters 2 and 3 (Letters to Churches)11/2008
144000Biblical analysis of the number 144000 from the book Revelation01/2008
LambBiblical analysis of the name of the "lamb" 12/2010
GehenaBiblical analysis03/2009
Fornication and AdulteryBiblical sense of these words03/2004

These studies are available only in Czech language.